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Neti Pot

Supporting overall respiratory wellness.

It is a well agreed fact that Respiratory Wellness is the gateway to great health. Breathing through the nose and not through the mouth is a practice advocated by doctors worldwide. An alarming statistic is that approximately one third of people do not breathe in the most optimum way thereby reducing their oxygen intake! Most people assume that breathing is a natural process and that they have been doing it right.

There is a Sanskrit proverb that goes- “Pratyek Shwas Paritoshhikamasthi, which means every breath is a gift! Each breath when inhaled and exhaled in the right manner contributes to our overall health and when done incorrectly, it can cause significant damages in the long run. The importance of breath can also be understood through another Sanskrit proverb which says that - “For breath is life and if you breathe well, you will live a long life on Earth”.

When upto 30-50% adults on an average breathe through the mouth and not the nose, is it not natural that the average lifespan of humans has been coming down despite the world of medicine advancing to such a degree! Mouth breathing is seen in individuals whose nostrils are clogged or blocked. Nature has designed the nose for breathing and the mouth for eating and talking.

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Overall respiratory wellness including proper breathing techniques are possible when our nasal passage is free of mucus, dirt and debris. Jala Neti /Nasal irrigation through a Neti pot is a great step in this direction. Pranayama- also a Yogic method of regulating breath is a great method to help us maintain overall respiratory wellness.

Nasal irrigation through a Neti Pot helps one maintain respiratory wellness as it filters out unwanted particles, supports the respiratory organs in performing their functions and also provides other benefits like a clear vision, cleaner ears as there are no ear infections and improved cognitive functions like increased memory and concentration. While the list of benefits of a Neti pot are endless, the greatest part about its usage is that the results start appearing within very short durations of usage and when practiced continuously the results can be lasting too! The icing on the cake is that there are no serious or adverse side effects of Neti pot reported if all the Neti pot instructions and its Neti pot solution guidelines are followed.

The importance of respiratory wellness cannot be undermined if one intends to live a healthy and long life. Supporting our body through natural and safe methods is the least we can do to help it perform all its functions to its maximum capacity. An optimal respiratory system ensures that all cells are properly oxygenated and the flow of toxic gases is reduced to the lowest levels possible.

While it is a known fact that we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, did you know that when an individual breathes through the mouth, there is a lot of carbon dioxide that is lost which leads to less oxygen in the cells and tissues. In contrast, when one inhales and exhales through the nose in the right manner, there is a higher percentage of carbon dioxide in the blood which leads to a greater supply of oxygen to the cells and tissues. That is how important a healthy respiratory system is!

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