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Neti Pot

How Traditional Practices have Influenced Modern Usage.

As Yoga gained popularity over the years, the postures practiced in Hatha Yoga became more mainstream and techniques evolved where yogic practices and yoga asanas were blended into the modern day lifestyle with quick asanas or exercises for maintaining overall health while working long hours. Neti Kriya also gained popularity and there were many innovations in its design and aesthetic appeal too. People started experimenting with plastic, copper, stainless steel, bio-plastic neti pots. We offer Neti pots made up of Ceramic, Copper and Steel so that you can choose whichever Neti Pot appeals to you.

Going back to their history a bit, Neti pots made their first large scale international debut in 1972 when “The Himalayan Institute” - which is “The Yoga International’s publisher, introduced the first mass-market Neti Pot in the United States of America. The founder of the Himalayan Institute was Shri Swami Rama who was known to be a Yogi, teacher, philosopher, author, poet, philanthropist - a revered man of many hats! While teaching yoga, he wanted his students to delve deeper into their meditative practices and an elegant Ceramic Jala Neti Pot was crafted!

Traditional practices which are often passed down to generations, especially yogic practices have been able to retain their relevance in the present times as well. Yogic practices are known to be very adaptable and can easily blend into the modern lifestyle if people are willing to spare a few minutes of their fast-paced lives to contribute to their overall well-being. The practice of Neti Kriya -known for its manifold benefits cleans the cranium, promotes clear eyesight, and is extremely helpful for all diseases that manifest themselves above the root of the human neck.

Neti Pot Neti Pot

Not just that, a Neti Pot helps in elimination of foreign bodies like allergens, dust and eases the process of draining the sinuses. Regular usage of a Neti pot helps in increasing blood circulation and ensures that the nasal mucosa or nasal mucus functions towards its optimum efficiency. When the Neti Kriya is performed, the tear ducts and glands are stimulated. The secretory functions and drainage mechanisms of the ENT(Ear, Nose and Throat ) are supported through Jala Neti. When these organs work to their optimal best, conditions like sinusitis, cold and cough will remain at an arm’s length! These disorders which affect the ENT are known as Kaphaja disorders in Ayurveda and Jala Neti is an excellent way to cure them.

The Jala Neti has psychological effects too as it impacts the basic cognitive functions like memory, concentration and intelligence. It is known to be beneficial in reducing anxiety and depression. It is also known to control severe snoring and sleep apnea. Medically, it has been proved that for patients who suffer from Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma- a cancer that is located behind the nose and above the back of the throat- nasal irrigation is extremely beneficial when they battle nasal sinusitis after being treated for the cancer.

To sum it up, it would be safe to say that this humble Neti Pot with ancient origins is the perfect gift for yourself and your loved ones. Gift it to yourself and the people you care for!

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