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Neti Pot

Explanation of the Mechanics Behind Nasal Irrigation.

Nasal irrigation when done with the help of a Neti Pot is known as Saline Nasal Irrigation. In this technique, liquid saline (salt +water) is instilled in one nostril and guided to drain out from the other nostril - in simple words, the nasal cavity is given a proper bath! It is a safe practice with no reported seriously adverse effects except when contaminated water is used in an unclean Neti Pot. While a sense of mild discomfort and nervousness is common during first use, when one masters this technique through daily use, they tend to vouch for its manifold benefits!

The mechanics behind the science of neti is broken down to the possibility of the breaking down of the functionality of the nasal mucosa and creating favorable conditions for it to perform its function effectively. Jala Neti in a Neti Pot promotes direct cleansing of the nasal passage by removal of all debris and irritants and improves the mucociliary function. It not only cleanses and moistens the airways but also kills unwanted bacteria. It soothes the irritated and clogged airways and provides for easy and clean breathing.

When saline water is guided through the nostrils, it flushes out all unwanted particles and increases the intake of oxygen thereby improving respiratory functions. Jala Neti is known to be immensely helpful in treatment of respiratory diseases such as asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis and pulmonary tuberculosis. In addition, when practiced regularly, it prevents the progress and recurrence of respiratory tract infections.

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Respiratory tract infections have become a common phenomenon these days due to the ever increasing population, traffic woes and mass industrialisation. Humans have never caused more damage to their natural surroundings than they are doing now! By going back to traditional, time tested and natural practices like Nasal irrigation through Neti Pots, we can take baby steps to keep ourselves healthy and pollutants free. When there is so much pollution all around us, we have no escape from inhaling pollutants which later become allergens and start giving birth to chronic respiratory infections. Once treated with antibiotics, these infections recur which becomes a vicious cycle!

The good news is that this vicious cycle can be both broken and treated easily by practicing nasal hygiene through the practice of nasal irrigation with a Neti Pot. What’s more wonderful to know is that one can simply prevent falling into this vicious cycle by practicing the Jala Neti Kriya regularly. We make it simple for you through our Pre-packaged salt packets that are provided along with our Neti pots that have to be simply mixed with lukewarm water and used for nasal irrigation.

We also offer elegant Neti pots in different variants based on the material they are made from. We offer Neti Pots made of Ceramic, Copper and Steel that come with or without a handle so that you have a wide range to choose from! When you purchase a Neti Pot from us, you are moving one step closer to a cleaner and healthier life as the practice of Neti is known to promote overall well-being.

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