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Neti Pot

Address frequently asked questions about Neti Pots. Provide detailed and accurate answers.

Q. Who should use a Neti pot?

Neti pots have been traditionally proven safe for usage since centuries. Their origin can be traced back to vedic times and they have been referred to in Ayurvedic text as well. Except for infants and children under the age of 2 years, everybody can use a Neti pot.

Q. Should I use a Neti pot only when my sinuses are clogged or when i have a cold? Do I need a doctor’s prescription to use a Neti Pot?

No, a doctor’s prescription is not needed to use a Neti pot. It is available for purchase over the counter. It is safe for everyone except infants and children under the age of 2 years. People who suffer from hypertension and any other serious ailments may need to consult their doctor before they start using the Neti pot. Using a Neti pot is known to provide immense and immediate relief from clogged sinuses and blocked nasal passages. However, using it on a daily basis whether or not you have an cold is absolutely fine and safe.

Q. What are the materials in which Neti Pots are available?

We offer Neti pots made of Copper, Stainless Steel and Ceramic. All our Neti Pots are handcrafted with a lot of love to ensure you have the best experience.

Q. What comes included with my Neti Pot?

Along with our utmost care and love, your Neti pots come with an instruction manual and pre-packaged Neti salt packets. You can always purchase some more Neti salt from us once you exhaust the ones we send.

Q. How frequently should I clean my Neti pot?

The Neti pot should be cleaned after every single use and either wiped with a cotton towel or left to air-dry so that there is no risk of contamination.

Q. Can I use ordinary salt for performing the Neti Kriya?

No. Ordinary salt that we use in our kitchens and day to day lives comes included with many preservatives to help it last longer. Using contaminated salt can add to your troubles by damaging the mucus lining and make you more prone to infections.

Q.What kind of water should I use in my Neti pot?

Always use distilled water or filtered water that has been boiled and cooled. Lukewarm water is a Neti pot’s best friend! Tap water is strictly not to be used in a Neti pot as Tap water contains small amounts of bacteria, protozoa and other microorganisms including amoeba. Tap water is still fine to drink as the stomach acid can kill such bacteria but the nasal cavity does not have such strong acids. Hence, tap water will do more damage than good.

Q.Can I share my Neti pot with a family member?

We highly recommend that you do not share your Neti pot with anyone. It increases the risk of contracting an infection. There are many Neti pots made up of Copper, Ceramic and Stainless Steel which are offered by us that you can purchase for yourself and your family members.

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