Allergies are mostly seasonal in nature and are observed mostly during the mornings and evenings when the pollution levels in the air are too high. For example, in India, summer which is also the hay-cutting season is the most common season for allergies to occur. That is why allergy caused during this season is also called as Hay Fever. Apart from hay, grasses and weeds are also the culprits. Allergies during spring time are caused mostly by trees. The pollen from trees triggers pollen/spring allergies.
Monsoon brings with it skin allergies, allergic rhinitis and asthma triggered by allergens. Since it is damper than usual, molds make an appearance on the scene and cause all kinds of allergies. Add to it wet clothes and dirty shoes which have become muddy and sticky- it is the perfect recipe for stirring up an allergy! What's more, protective rainwear also causes reactions on the skin.
Seasonal allergies are often characterized by continuous sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, itchy nasal cavity, throat and ears, watery and itchy eyes, congestion or a feeling of blocked ears, post nasal drainage, headache, shortness of breath, cough and a cold. While there are several precautionary measures which can be practiced including wearing a mask when you are outdoors and staying indoors most of the time, the most effective practice is Nasal irrigation. Let us take you through some safe precautionary practices that you can practice to minimize nasal congestion during allergy seasons-
We can help you perform Nasal irrigation through our Ceramic, Steel and Copper Neti Pots. Neti Kriya when performed regularly can help you effectively minimize nasal congestion during seasonal allergies. As all the debris and mucus are filtered out on a daily basis there is very less scope for allergens to linger around long enough to cause a serious allergy.
Apart from the above mentioned triggers, there are secondary allergens too which include smoke- this could be from campfires, fireplaces, industrial, insect bites, swimming pools with chlorine in the water. By making sure that you avoid such triggers you can work on minimizing the nasal congestion during seasonal allergies. Irrespective of the source of the trigger, when an allergen causes nasal congestion it can be an uncomfortable experience.
Help yourself breathe easier by choosing the right Neti Pot and breathe free Choose from our wide range of Neti pots and get started on this healthy ancient practice right away! It is always a safe bet to go for a practice that has no side effects and is easy to do rather than choosing heavy medication which can impact your health in the long run! Choose wisely by making a conscious decision to breathe free and improve your overall health.